...Ooh Baby! What Raccoon? Thanks to all our Beta Testers! ...and all the IcePick Crew “Vince” The French Hotel (again) Surf music Harold and Maude NetDoom SuperPig aard GreenGoo Big Kitty & Lil’ Kitty NegativLand The French Hotel Basil & Sibble SuperCheese Jezebelle Rat Pin-up Girl Rob Vaterlaus Oliver Steele John Rotenstein Ben Mickealain Ken McLeod Brian Lowry Jeff Kowalski Elton Inada J. Scott Howlett Bob Hearn Steven Harris Jon Hartshorn Ben Haller Ed Hall Colin Glassey Bryce Fowler Charlie Fenton Bob Covey Wes Cherry Pat Beard Reservists MC Military Police Igor Gasowski Jack Eastman Nick Rush Wes Boyd Base Commandants Wes Chester USO Sound Man Michael "Pant" Auth Paul "Bad Dog" Grosso Will "Splat" Chase Steve Hales, Technical Director Peter Drescher, Composer & Arranger Studio by Halestorm, Inc. USO Music Amy Dyckovsky Jane Chinn Quartermasters Rodrigo Torres Mike Schutte Jeffery Rugato Victoria Carpentier Ground Crew Alyce Korn Kermit Hylen Flight Instruction Greg Thatcher Owen Rubin Ben Mickaelan James Mattly Skunkworks Terry Lake Mat Kolehmainen Greg Keranen David Hauer Raman Boucher Greta Bickford Michael Auth Test Pilots Doug Wade Lead Test Pilot Steven Soshea Matt Small Kim Payne Jarir Maani Brian Dougherty Rod DeWeese Laurence Arcadias Camouflage Crew Dana Muise Nose Art Jim Tso Officer of the Day Tom Wuttke Jeff Thomas Vann “The Man” Miller Dan Michaeloff Paul Meyer Jim Merkle Peter "Rat" Kemmer Andy Karn Jonathan Dorfman Robert Blair Bob Bickford Andrew Armstrong Module Aces Andrew Armstrong Patrick Beard Vann Miller Jack Eastman Brian Chen Steve Zellers Engine Aces Bruce Burkhalter Andrew Pedersen Squadron Leaders The Third Flying Toaster Air Wing Created by All Rights Reserved Copyright ® 1994 Berkeley Systems, Inc. The World's Most Popular Screen Saver! After Dark 4.0 for Macintosh